For more than twenty years, we have been the destination for celebrities and discerning individuals alike for natural, effective facial and body rejuvenation. Whether you live in the area or are just visiting, the friendly staff at our Los Angeles facility will make you feel right at home.
Until then, you can call us anytime at (877) 272-6620 or use the form below to contact us with any questions about skin care treatments. Our therapists will be happy to respond to your inquiries. If you'd like to receive a personal skincare consultation, please contact Sheila Ruhfass at
Please enter your name, email address, subject, and message into the spaces provided.
The ARCONA Studio is open Tuesday through Saturday 10 am -4pm and Thursday 10am - 7pm.
The ARCONA Studio // 425 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90401
Tel 877.272.6620 310.458.3800 • Fax 310.458.3811